
8 things to keep in mind to name a brand!

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8 things to keep in mind to name a brand.
8 things to keep in mind to name a brand!

Branding has become crucial these days. As more and more startups come into existence an effective branding strategy is becoming more important than ever.

It took us a long time to give an appropriate name to our page (Marketing Lake).

Just for the record, our page is about marketing in general and digital marketing in particular. Marketing lake team posts content in the form of illustrated pictures to comprehend the concepts easily.

We relied on my some primary and secondary research to arrive at a suitable name; we have mentioned a couple of important points which you might also want to look at before selecting an appropriate brand name.

The pointers which could be helpful in your branding strategy are:

1. The brand’s name should not have any negative connotations.

Why negative brand connotations can be harmful for your startup

2. The name should be industry appropriate. It should resonate with the kind of industry you work in.

Industry appropriatness for branding

3. The name should be easy to spell and pronounce.

Why the brand names should be easy to spell?

4. The brand name should be legally available so that it don’t land in any sort of legal trouble.

Brand names should be legally available

5. The brand name should be unique and memorable, a unique name would increase the recall in the minds of the customers.

The branding strategy for startups should focus on making the brand name more moemorable

6. The name should be short so that it is easy for people to remember and associate it easily with something meaningful.

Many branding experts

Brand names should be short

7. The name should sound pleasing which would increase the frequency of it getting used very often.

The Brand name should sound pleasing to the ears

8. The brand name should not limit the company’s future expansion opportunities. The expansion could be in new geographies or in some new product lines.

This pointer could prove valuable in the long run to those startups whose branding strategy is in the nascent phase.

Branding strategy should focus on not choosing a brand name which could restrict a company's future growth.

With all the pointers mentioned above, there is something which also deserves attention apart from a perfect branding strategy, and it is brand promotions.

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